

High-speed Gearbox

27 years of professional customized gear transmission manufacturers, high-speed teeth, bevel gears for 10 consecutive years into the domestic gear industry top three, has been awarded 45 national invention and utility model patents

  • GS- High-speed gearbox
  • GS- High-speed gearbox

GS- High-speed gearbox

This series of products adopts a single-stage herringbone gear transmission structure, meeting standards such as API613, AGMA6011. It is technically mature and reliable, combining the company's many years of professional design and manufacturing experience with internationally advanced technological concepts to develop a platform-based product.


Product overview

Application Area: gas turbine power generation, steam turbine power generation, axial flow fans, petrochemical compressor units, etc.

Product features: high precision, low vibration, high efficiency

Typical supply


023-47852899 / 023-68185200


高清| 台州市| 永春县| 宜良县| 蛟河市| 通道| 蕲春县| 交城县| 洱源县| 黄陵县| 江源县| 商洛市| 炉霍县| 彰化县| 临沭县| 同江市| 安庆市| 金坛市| 襄汾县| 绥德县| 会昌县| 大厂| 南靖县| 宁晋县| 满洲里市| 云南省| 来凤县| 南靖县| 清镇市| 桂东县| 博乐市| 合作市| 贵南县| 鄱阳县| 隆林| 渝北区| 阿荣旗| 抚州市| 衡东县| 射阳县| 大姚县|