

Employee activities

27 years of professional customized gear transmission manufacturers, high-speed teeth, bevel gears for 10 consecutive years into the domestic gear industry top three, has been awarded 45 national invention and utility model patents

2020 New Year's Gathering

2023-03-14 Source:Original Views:1023
  On the evening of January 17th, 2020, all the staff of Zhizhan gathered at Jiangjin Hotel with joyful hearts to celebrate the arrival of the new year with laughter, singing, and dancing.
  Looking back at 2019, we have continuously created our own brilliance amidst opportunities and challenges. Looking ahead to 2020, we will continue to strive, forge ahead, and realize a new chapter of intelligent and expansive development!


023-47852899 / 023-68185200


四会市| 岐山县| 广元市| 淮滨县| 桂林市| 清原| 巍山| 曲阳县| 襄汾县| 盐源县| 蒲江县| 汾阳市| 安丘市| 德昌县| 克山县| 开鲁县| 绿春县| 龙陵县| 昌江| 高安市| 南汇区| 买车| 丹江口市| 左云县| 五莲县| 丹巴县| 山西省| 申扎县| 墨玉县| 濉溪县| 山东省| 老河口市| 贵州省| 甘谷县| 屯昌县| 香河县| 凉山| 华坪县| 湾仔区| 区。| 汕头市|